Dec 4, 2009

Five Months Later

I thought that this blog would end five months ago when I finished the LTF Triathlon. But I think that it served a great purpose. It gave me a place to dump my wisdom, fears, insights, questions and crazy-ass ideas. Turns out I still need this kind of an outlet.

I got sick about a month ago. Pleurisy sucks, especially if you're active. Being grounded because you can't breath really sucks. But about a week and a half ago I was able to hit the gym again. Slowly but surely. I'm going about every other day and it feels awesome.

Now that my brain and my body are beginning to communicate again I've been looking at races for the coming year. I will most certainly do the LTF Tri again, I just won't do all of the fundraising. Holy crap fundraising is hard work. I felt like between my real job, training and fundraising I did do anything else last spring. Luckily my main squeeze was right beside me the whole time. Pete rocks. And he's going to join me in July!