Jun 10, 2009

If I Could Take My Arm Off...

Yes, if I could take my left arm off right now I would. Swimming tonight was awesome, but I am in P.A.I.N right now. I can never remember how far I go (I'll ask Pete) but I do know that I went further than the distance of the triathlon (.93 miles) in 35 +/- minutes... which is for me good. Having no sense of how long this will take me, 35 minutes seems completely reasonable. After ice and much needed ibuprofen (which I just spelled correctly on the first try!), I am feeling a bit better. I'm still doing my physical therapy exercises to keep my shoulder strong, or better yet, make it stronger. But I'm impatient damn it, if you haven't noticed.

As of tomorrow, there's only one month left to go. I am so excited at this point and amazingly I'm not freaking out about the race. I feel strong and ready. Of course I say that now. The evening of July 10th I'll be peeing my pants for sure. But right now I feel good.

I also wanted to give a shout out (can you "shout out" in a blog?) to Marie, my Ironman-girl. Last weekend she did a brick that consisted of a sixty-mile ride and a three-mile run. That just sounds terrible. Here I was thinking I was tough shit doing a 25/3 brick. This girl is going to kick ass in the fall and I will be there to see it. She's working so hard and I couldn't be more proud of her. I'd love to go running with her, but its really embarrassing getting lapped around one of these city lakes.


  1. Keep up the ice and protect your arm! and thanks for the shout out....this weekend is 1.5 mile open water swim one day with 75/3 brick the next. ask me how i feel about this on monday!

  2. I get exhausted just reading this stuff. That was a moving contribution Bonnie made. Dad
