Mar 6, 2009

Friday (sigh)

This last week has been a tough one. I'm tired, frustrated, feeling bloated, started to get sick, and am generally cranky. I didn't swim in Wednesday, instead I left work at 11am went home and slept until 5pm. A few people at work have gotten sick and I wanted to do everything I could to avoid it. The thought of being out of commission for even a couple of days just isn't an option. I've been working so hard, I don't want to set myself back. There is a fine line between pushing through the pain and really listening to your body. On Wednesday I had to listen to my body and today I am better for it. 

Last night's spin class rocked. This was a new instructor for us and she scared the crap out of me. Spin classes need someone that is more like a drill sergeant than a therapist. She kicked our asses and I think I might have called her a bitch under my breath once of twice, which only means its working. 

I won't be running/swimming tonight, instead I am going to see Wynton Marsalis play at Orchestra Hall. I'm going to put on a dress, slap some lipstick on and NOT be someone in training tonight. I'll make up for it tomorrow.  

I also wanted to thank everyone that reads my blog. Some of you leave comments, some send me emails - I love hearing from everyone. So keep the comments coming!


  1. I greatly admire your perseverance. Go Jenny!

  2. Go Jenny, Go.
    Go Jenny, Go.
    Go Jenny, Go.

    And post more pics when you get a chance.
    You're a rockstar.
