Mar 9, 2009

And a New Week Begins

Last week was certainly interesting. While I worked out a ton I don't feel like I accomplished much, at least not until the end. Friday's run was awesome, although it was a short run because I was going to swim after. When I got down to the pool I realized that I hadn't checked the swim schedule and the pool was filled with kids for their swim lessons. I backed away slowly as to not be seen and went home. Sunday was great. Molly and and I our circuit of weights for arms and then a kick ass run. I'm sore today. Sore is good. I think I have to get new running shoes though. Depending on who you ask you can only get a few hundred miles out of a pair of running shoes... so I'm definitely due for a new pair, but geez, I would like to go a few weeks without having to buy any gear. 

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