Molly and I had a great run outside yesterday. She was feeling a bit under the weather, head cold stuff, but I think the run made a difference. The weather was absolutely perfect. We started our run on the west side of the Plymouth Avenue bridge, ran over the bridge, then headed south along the river towards downtown. We crossed the river at the Stone Arch Bridge. This was really beautiful. The dam was gushing water into the icy river. The water bubbled violently at the base of the dam, the bridge is such a great view of the dam. We do our best to enjoy it as we speed by the pedestrians out for their Sunday stroll. Too many people that live in Minneapolis, or visit, don't take advantage of this beautiful piece of the city.
I love running along the Mississippi because most of the people that are sharing the path with you are out doing the same thing. There are far fewer baby strollers and clumps of people meandering than on Lake Calhoun or some place like that. I'm really looking forward to next Sunday.
Overall I'm feeling strong and good about the amount of training I am doing. Some days are harder than others, and some days I get down on myself for not doing enough. My fear, as it replays in my mind, is that I won't be able to finish this triathlon. I have four months of training left, and I am taking it very seriously. The support that I'm getting from family and friends is so priceless. Every time someone tells me that I'm doing a good job, or that they are impressed with what I'm doing, makes me feel amazing. Its the kind of thing that you can never hear enough. So thanks to all of those amazing people that believe in me.
We believe! We believe in the IRON GIRL !
well only with words of support,
you got that all the way to the end.