I've often written about how wonderful the trails are in the Twin Cities. The trails stretch for miles upon miles around all of the lakes, rivers and creeks. People are given extra shade by all of the beautiful trees and are kept safe from traffic.
However not everyone quite understands how to use these trails. When built someone was really smart and separated out the bike paths from the walking paths. On a very rare occasion they merge, but only for a few yards until they split again at any given location. I hate to complain about people being outside and being active, but part of this complaint is for their own safety. If someone is walking in the middle of the bike path with their headphones on are they expecting to get hit? Four people walking

side-by-side on a bike path when the walking path is less than a yard away, what do they expect me to do while I'm riding? Two double-wide strollers on ANY path, they see someone coming, should they
not move into single file? Yes, there are times when the paths are merged. I am a runner and a cyclist, so I use both paths. The paths are so clearly marked that at no point have I ever wondered if I was on the wrong one. I shift over to the right so that people moving faster than me can pass. If I see a cyclist barreling down in my direction I make sure they have room and don't force them into a ditch. Runners, walkers,
rollerbladers, cyclists, stroller-people - we all have to obey the same rules, for the simple fact that it makes us all safer. Oh! And if you're going to wear headphones, please lower the volume enough so that you can hear someone coming. If that's not possible, don't wear headphones. If I go flying ass over tea kettle, it should be my own damn fault.
Last night's ride was great. Sadly Molly couldn't go, so Pete was the surrogate. The air was cool and damp which actually made for a great ride because we never got too warm. I don't know how far we rode, but we were gone a solid hour, so I'm guessing fifteen miles or so. It was a great ride. Tonight I'm swimming (
yay!). Its so great to be back in the pool. So great.
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