Apr 6, 2010

So you think your hot huh?

I have a philosophy about training that I don't think I've shared. If you are out there training and are trying to look beautiful, good for you. If you're out there trying to get stronger, run faster and don't care how you look ... then you're HOT!

Molly is like my Phoebe, or I'm like Molly's Phoebe. We are good at reminding each other why we're out there doing what we're doing. Its taken me several years to like running and Molly is a big part of that.

Yesterday we headed north along the river and ran drills (Marie's drills, as I like to call them). No one looks pretty doing drills, its impossible. But these are a great way to get stronger and faster.

After a bit of a warm up run we did the following drills over a 50+ meter distance:

1. Skip like a girl (super high skipping)
2. Butt kickers (barely running, kicking your heel to your butt)
3. Knee slappers (high knees that slap your hands)
4. Grapevines Left (running sideways interweaving your legs)
5. Grapevines Right (other side)
6. Long lunges (long steps forward, knee over ankle - lunges)

We'd do the drill 50 meters down, jog back to the starting point and then start the next drill. After completing all five, we repeated it two more times. None of which were pretty. Best part though? Boy, I can feel it today. My quads, gluts and even my abs are sore! I've done drills alone, on the track at the gym even - and people look at me like I'm crazy and just that makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but that smile of yours makes people say to themselves, 'wish I could do that'.
