I needed a good run last night so badly, and luckily I got it. My day had consisted of nothing but dead-ends, frustration and let downs. By the time I left work I could feel the bulging muscle on the back of my neck that was causing my monstrous headache. The entire drive home I just kept telling myself that a good run would relax everything. When I got home Pete was jumping out of the shower after his ride, I kissed him, changed into running clothes, looked at the cloc

As I rounded the corner past the Rose Garden I heard the strangest noise behind me. From a distance I couldn't tell if it was someone on a moped and then as they got closer it sounded like someone bouncing on a pogo stick. I wasn't going to turn around to look, as they were clearly approaching fast and were about to pass me. When he did pass, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a guy running in these (see picture) shoes. Craziest damn thing. He was cruising too. With every step he took he seemed to propel forward as if walking on the moon. I have no idea how difficult it must be to run in these bad-boys, but it sure looked effortless from where I was standing (running).
Alas! The excitement didn't end there. From the Rose Garden I turned right toward the Band Shelter, and again, there weren't too many people out except... BAM! Bikini! There she was, full-on string bikini chick - getting into the water! And just past her were a couple of kids and a dog swimming. Are you kidding me?! The water couldn't have been more than 55-degrees.
Ultimately I did my run in what seemed to be record time. It felt awesome. I was shocked when I got home and looked at the clock. Paying attention to my form, following Marie's instructions really has made a difference. I've only run a couple of times since I got the go-ahead from Moe and my speed was really surprising. When I got home, pink-faced and happy, Pete knew I had a great run. I'm looking forward to Wednesday's run now even more!
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