Happy Birthday Molly!
Saturday was Molly's birthday and of course, like a trooper she didn't want to take the day off. We joined the group at 8am for the group run again, because the previous week was so much fun. Honestly, we thought we'd be doing the exact same run - which would have been fine. But no. Of course not, we were going to be running hills. Or rather the same hill over and over and over again. After about a 1 miles warm-up run (give or take) we ran up and down this one hill near Lock & Dam No. 1 six times. It was actually pretty amazing. I hate running hills and I tell people this often. I asked Molly to stay with me so that I could keep up a consistent pace and like the amazing person she is, she never left my side. We kept a nice steady pace the entire time and I think we finished at just about the same speed that we started, maybe a little slower but not much. It felt great. The weather was amazing too. Its really starting to turn into spring. We had light weight jackets on - which in the picture makes us look like we're running for Nike, we're not. The sun was out but the air was cool. By the time we finished up and got home it was about 9:30, not bad at all.
This should have been the end of my training for the weekend, but no. Friday night I decided to join Keeler and Johnson for happy hour at NE Grumpy's - instead of going swimming. I guess a couple of vodka tonics don't count as working out. In any case, Pete and I ended up swimming Saturday afternoon. Since my legs were so exhausted I did mostly pulls (swimming with no legs and a holding a floaty-thing between your knees). Needless to say I slept like a baby Saturday night.
This was a good weekend. I feel strong and I am looking forward to (as of today) starting the insane triathlon training schedule.
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