When I left work at 5pm yesterday it was 95-degrees out. The air was so thick that walking to my car was more like wading through molasses. I managed to talk to Keeler, who to my surprise told me that under no uncertain terms, was I to run. The air quality was terrible and it was just too damn hot. We would likely run slow, over heat and not get the workout in that we'd want, and possibly die from heat exhaustion. See that map? Minneapolis is just to the right of center, where the red is darkest. I got home to find that Pete has sequestered himself in the A/C flooded bedroom. I told him that we weren't running. He took a long hard look at me and said that our only alternative was to go out and have sushi. I'm used to working hard and making sacrifices. If sushi was our only option then who am I to argue?
Today its only supposed to get up to 85 and with quite a bit less humidity. We'll go for a ride and probably be better off that we didn't run yesterday. I'll make up for it on Friday with pleasure.
For those of you who do anything in brutal heat: run, garden, walk, stalk hot babes in bikinis; please make sure that you stay hydrated. And by that I mean, drink water ALL day long, not just before you go out. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
When you get back in from running down old ladies in your padded bike shorts, replace your electrolytes with water and juice, potassium and magnesium. Lots and lots of water and a banana are good. Toss in an orange. But keep up the fluids, clear liquids like broths are also a good way to rehydrate.
When I was getting ready for last year's big event I spent the entire month prior to the race with a water bottle in-hand at all times. I was drinking and peeing constantly. By the last week I focused more on hydration and nutrition than I did on training, which are usually pretty light anyway. On race-day it was hot out. I swam, I biked and I ran - drank when I could during the event and I never got thirsty. I'd love to know what other people do in the summer to stay hydrated. Feel free to post a comment letting us know what part of the country you live in and what you do during the blasted heat to stay alive!
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