Feb 27, 2009
How my friends show their support...
"So how's your training? I picture you like Rocky when he goes to Russia jogging in the snow and hoisting logs above your head. Just steer clear of the roids so you don't grow an ugly beard like me."
Feb 26, 2009
Every five minutes, someone in the United States learns that he or she has leukemia, Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma or myeloma.
I like reminding all of the amazing people that continue to support me why I'm doing this, but I also need to remind myself. Its hard to work a full day and then hit the gym, when you're already tired, feet hurt, belly is hungry, and traffic sucks. Funny thing is that I have to pass the gym on my way home from work.
Some of the things that get me through the really tough training days (in no particular order):
- Remembering the day Molly was diagnosed with cancer and being so terrified that I could lose my best friend
- That amazing feeling, I know I'll feel, when I cross the finish line and see the look on my mom's face
- Looking forward to hearing the cheers of my friends from various areas of the course
- Knowing that my cousin Jay is fighting a blood cancer right now and that money I raise will help find a cure for him
- I never thought I would be healthy/strong enough to complete a triathlon
- Because its going to kick ass to RUN across the finish line
Feb 25, 2009
Why we do it...

To read more amazing stories like this visit: http://www.teamintraining.org/firsttimehere/themissionandhistory/superstars
Current Training Schedule

M..........Light Run
T...........Cycling Class, Strength/Arms, Abs
Th.........Cycling Class, Strength/Arms, Abs
Sa.........Veg out and be a slug
Su.........Long Run/Ride
When we are twelve weeks away from the big day - that's when we start the Triathlon Training and all I can say is holy shit. Originally my goal was, as it is for any race, to NOT finish last. I think that's a reasonable goal. Keeler on the other hand wants us to do well. So damn it! I'll work my ass of and we'll do well - since so many people are contributing, I owe it them.
I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't mention it.
Molly and I had our cycling class at the Uptown Y last night and we had another new instructor. It never occurred to me how different their styles of instruction could be - and for me, that makes all the difference in the world. I wish I could remember their names and now that I think of it I don't remember any of them introducing themselves. In any case. I still love cycling class, and I got my ass kicked last night. Of course after the class Molly wanted to do some strength training (arms) and abs of course.
For the next two nights there won't be any cycling classes at the Uptown Y because they are refinishing the floors in one of the studios. Last night the instructor mentioned that they had started refinishing the floors early and that was the smell we were noticing. None of us would have noticed it if she didn't mention it. To me it honestly smelled like a cleaning solution, and gyms always smell weird anyway. But of course once she mentioned it, only thirty minutes into the class, I couldn't think of anything else.
Today was also the third day of smoothies for breakfast, and I must say, wow!
Feb 24, 2009
Resolution Run

We're not going to have that problem in July. I need to look at this picture and remmber how cold it was. The snot that ran down my face froze, luckily there are no pictures of that!
Holy Crap!
I think I've found the secret to feeling great. I hope you're sitting down for this. I'm pretty sure that eating well and exercising is the key to feeling great. No, seriously, listen to this; I woke up BEFORE my alarm this morning. I don't think that has ever happened in the history of the world, at least not for me. Not only did I wake up before my alarm but I slept like a log and felt awesome when I woke up. The interesting thing is that I didn't really change my diet until very recently. I've been working out a ton, which feels great, but over the weekend made some minor, but clearly significant, changes to my diet. I feel like kicking ass today.
Molly had suggested that I start drinking smoothies in the morning because I hate breakfast so much. I've tried to eat breakfast but it never sits quite right. I usually don't have my coffee until I get to work, so before I leave the house I make a smoothie and drink it on my way in. I put protein powder and flax powder in it for added boost and holy cow, I feel it. I'm consuming more protein and healthier carbs, more green veggies and less processed food, and its amazing. I feel great. Holy crap.
Feb 20, 2009
32% of Goal
I'm currently at 32% of my fundraising goal! Its always tough to explain to people how important reaching this goal is. In order to compete in this event I need to reach my minimum goal of $2200, not just training for the event. I encourage people to donate whatever they can, every little bit counts. So for those of you who have helped me to 32% of my goal this early on - you rock!
Uptown vs. Midtown
When Keeler and I joined the gym we went to the Midtown Y because its closer to my house, its big and seems to have all of the amentities. Tuesday night we did a spin class, sorry, cycling class at the Midtown Y and then last night thought we'd try our hand at the Uptown Y. What a difference. They are both great gyms but very different. First of all, the Uptown Y wasn't nearly as swamped with people at 5:30pm. It also wasn't swamped with kids. The other major factor was the cycling class itself. The Uptown Y instructor had more energy, much much much better music and the class was packed. Overall a great experience. Of course that's not to say that I won't be going to back to the Midtown Y, just thought I should point out some differences if anyone cared.
After our asses were kicked in the cycling class we did some ab work, I was surprised that Molly didn't have us do a plank, but I didn't say anything to her.
Feb 19, 2009
Well, I'm not a quitter, but I did skip a workout last night. What's my excuse? My car died, my hip hurts, my dog ate my homework... whatever. Tonight is another spin class which I'm looking forward to. I really needed the break last night. Really.
Feb 18, 2009
Thursday Spin
I love spin class! Of course you can't call it Spin anymore because someone copy righted that sucker. So its cycling class, which sounds dumb. Either way, it rocked! Little lesson though, you don't need to do abs and arms BEFORE class.
I'm really looking forward to swimming tonight, my joints are barking.
Feb 16, 2009
Stitch 'n Bitch
While I am a knitter, this is not a post about some great knitting circle. This is a post about side stitches that you get while running. I don't get them very often, but when I do they hurt like crazy. I know that most of the time I get them from drinking too much water before I run. So I know why I get them, but wish I could get rid of them. So running was fine, it just hurt more than it needed too. bitch bitch bitch bitch.
A good weekend.
Despite my laziness on Saturday, it was a really great weekend. I mailed some about 100 fundraising letters to those people that I had addresses for, if I didn't have a mailing address - they got an email. What amazed me was not that I received some pledges in the mail, but rather who pledged me. There were a couple of big surprises. I pretty much asked everyone on the planet (aside from the friends that Molly & I share) for money in support of this cause. I am so pleasantly surprised at who has responded so for. So, for those of you who have, thank you. Every little bit helps, and no amount is too small (or too big). So thank you.
Training on Sunday was great. Molly cracks me up with these ab workouts. It seems like we never do the same thing twice. Planks, Wonder Womans (don't ask), Leg pull-up thingys, they all kill me. I don't know what most of them are called, they're too hideous to have names I think, but they work and I'm in pain.
Sundays are our "long workout" days. We'll either do a long run or a long bike ride. Yesterday we did a long run on the treadmills. Yes, I'm constantly afraid that I'm going to go flying off the treadmill at any point, but its actually fun. Since Molly and I never shut up, it makes holding a conversation much easier.
I'm feeling great. In fact, everyday I feel stronger. If someone approaches me in a dark alley, they should run.
Feb 12, 2009
You're going to measure what?
If you ever have a day where you're feeling too good about yourself, I mean really good, I'm too sexy for my shirt-good... have someone measure you. That's right. Have someone take a tape measure and put it around your thigh, then your hips, and then your waist. Still feeling pretty good about yourself, try an arm. Yes, I realize I'm a small person and in no way am I trying to convince you otherwise. What I'm trying to say is, its just a great way to make you feel a hell of a lot less sexy.
Tonights workout however was great. I am actually feeling stronger every day.
Learning how to breath.
Apparently I don't know how to breath! Seriously. Last night was my first ever swimming lesson. I've been an avid swimmer my whole life. I love the water, just never learned how to swim. So there I am with Molly and Pete at the Y in the pool. I've got flippers on my feet, head in the water blowing bubbles. I sucked in half the pool because I kept laughing. I'll get it though. I'll learn to swim. Thankfully there are no pictures of it!
Feb 11, 2009
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Did you know...The Society reimburses patients up to $500 a year in financial aid. If you know someone interested in this benefit, please have them contact our Patient Services Manager, Libby Gordon, at Libby.Gordon@lls.org.
Patient Services: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society provides a wide range of services to patients such as family support groups, an extensive educational web site with web "chat" support programs, free seminars and conferences, and direct patient financial aid.
But I really need that.
The problem with participating in a group event, like the Life Time Fitness Triathlon, with a team is that you get exposed to all kinds of cool gear. Not that I'm a gear-head per-say, but there is some really cool stuff out there. While mama does need a new pair of cycling shoes she does not need the snazzy-ass touring bars for her bike, but they are slick.
Last night I was given a break from beating up my body and instead enjoyed an hour long meeting about gear. Swimming gear, running gear, cycling gear, and of course all of it was really cool.
Having not worked out last night, I'm not quite a sore today as I have been the last few days. Tonight we swim! I so wish that I could bring a camera and take a few shots of Molly and I in our swim caps and goggles. I'm sure we look awesome.
Feb 10, 2009
It was warm that day

When I did the Iron Girl in 2006 it was damn hot out. The race started early in the morning and it was September, but it was hot. I remember by the time I got to around the 20-mile mark of the ride I wished I'd worn a sweat-band around my head. This is something that I'm going to have to remember for the Life Time Fitness Triathlon.
Feb 9, 2009
Where did that muscle come from?
I went to the gym right after work. And guess what?! Everyone else had the same thing in mind. No, it didn't surprise me that I had to drive around in circles to find a parking spot. It did make me laugh to watch other people get frustrated at not finding a parking spot. Hello! What did you expect?
By the time I navigated trough the locker room and made it up to the gym I realized there was no way I was going to get on a treadmill. I'd have to brave the track. The Track. Where the real runners run. Or so I thought. I've often compared myself to Phoebe from FRIENDS when I run. I'm not graceful or fluid at all so running on the track is really putting yourself out there for everyone to judge. Expect to my surprise when I got out there, it was really good. I ran my two miles, pushed myself hard and then walked a lap. I like it. More than I thought.
After my run I did some stretching, a one minute plank (which sucks!) and some ab work. Molly would be so proud. While I was stretching though I managed to pull a muscle in my hip that I didn't know existed. It hurt so bad that I thought I would need help standing up. It was kind of like a charlie-horse in my hip. Very strange. Its better now, but I'm sure tomorrow morning I'll feel it. Today was a good workout. I don't like running alone, but it was good.
ps. its too late in the evening for me to do a spell check or grammar check ok?
By the time I navigated trough the locker room and made it up to the gym I realized there was no way I was going to get on a treadmill. I'd have to brave the track. The Track. Where the real runners run. Or so I thought. I've often compared myself to Phoebe from FRIENDS when I run. I'm not graceful or fluid at all so running on the track is really putting yourself out there for everyone to judge. Expect to my surprise when I got out there, it was really good. I ran my two miles, pushed myself hard and then walked a lap. I like it. More than I thought.
After my run I did some stretching, a one minute plank (which sucks!) and some ab work. Molly would be so proud. While I was stretching though I managed to pull a muscle in my hip that I didn't know existed. It hurt so bad that I thought I would need help standing up. It was kind of like a charlie-horse in my hip. Very strange. Its better now, but I'm sure tomorrow morning I'll feel it. Today was a good workout. I don't like running alone, but it was good.
ps. its too late in the evening for me to do a spell check or grammar check ok?
Feb 8. Training
I'm pretty lucky to be training with Keeler. She manages to kick my ass and at the same time keep me laughing. We counted this as our first official training day, or at least I did. Sunday at the gym wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We spent some time on the rowing machines, then doing weights and then hit the pool. The idea of swimming in a pool with goggles on is still strange to me. I wish I had a picture of Molly and I in the pool at the gym, I'm sure people were wondering if we were special.
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