On April 20th Molly and I begin our official triathlon training program. Its a twelve-week schedule and I'm looking at it right now. Looking at it kind of makes me nauseous. But I know we can do it. Its actually not all that difference from our current schedule, the intensities vary and the length of workouts is much more tailored. I have to remind myself that by race-day, we will be ready. We are working so hard. As frustrated with myself as I get, I have to stop and remember how far we've come. We are going to kick ass.
Speaking of kicking ass... Sunday's run just about had me crying. I don't know if I was just tired from moving boxes the day before or if it was really that much harder. Molly and I ran along the river again, but headed further south. Not only was it really the first time we ran hills, but I discovered just how hilly the river paths are. When we turned around at the 25 minute point was when we realized that the majority of our running had been down hill, now on the way back we'd be heading uphill and of course, now into the wind. I swore a couple of times. I have to look at a map to see the what our distance was, but as of this morning my thighs are screaming UNCLE!
Mar 30, 2009
Mar 26, 2009
Parts is Parts

Since deciding to do this tri there are several things that I've been conscious of, one of which is how much I notice other people's gear. Now I'm not a gear-head like some, actually, I'm far from it, but I can appreciate those things that help you run faster or bike harder. I had really wanted to get a set of aero bars for my bike. With all of the other expenses floating around right now, I was having a hard time justifying the expense. Enter Craigslist. Not only did I find the aero bars that I wanted, a great price, but turns out I know the person. Long story short, the woman selling the aero bars is doing the Iron Man this fall with the chick that convinced me to do the Iron Girl (not as impressive) two years ago. I love it when things work out. As soon as I got home I put the bars on my bike and looked at them lovingly. Now, with new peddles and shoes, new bars, I would REALLY like to go for a ride!
Mar 25, 2009
The Glass is Half Full
With 108 days to race, just over fifteen weeks, I have finally reached the half way point in my fundraising. I realize that means that I have another $1,120 to go, but its something. The stress of training is one thing, the fundraising is another. Its tough to ask people to give money for a cause that might not be that important to them personally, but I do know that people support me. And for that I am endlessly grateful.
Training this week has been decent. I'm looking forward to today's swim. My joints are a little sore and the no impact workout of a swim sounds just wonderful.
Training this week has been decent. I'm looking forward to today's swim. My joints are a little sore and the no impact workout of a swim sounds just wonderful.
Mar 24, 2009
prepubescent kids and swimming
I would have given anything last night NOT to work out. I was pooped. By the time I could get to the gym it was after 7pm. At this hour two lanes of the pool are filled with what seemed to be thousands of prepubescent kids having their swimming lesson. If you were wondering if this group of people can be loud, the answer is yes. Of course I didn't realize this until I stumbled out to the pool, dragging my feet and looking for Pete amongst the millions of other people cramming for a swim lane. But he found a lane of course. I did NOT want to swim. But damn it, I swam. My form was terrible, my legs didn't work, I drank half the pool and I'm pretty sure that from afar I probably looked like I was having a seizure, not an aerobic workout. All said and done, I'm glad I went. Damn it.
Mar 23, 2009
Running along the Mississippi

Molly and I had a great run outside yesterday. She was feeling a bit under the weather, head cold stuff, but I think the run made a difference. The weather was absolutely perfect. We started our run on the west side of the Plymouth Avenue bridge, ran over the bridge, then headed south along the river towards downtown. We crossed the river at the Stone Arch Bridge. This was really beautiful. The dam was gushing water into the icy river. The water bubbled violently at the base of the dam, the bridge is such a great view of the dam. We do our best to enjoy it as we speed by the pedestrians out for their Sunday stroll. Too many people that live in Minneapolis, or visit, don't take advantage of this beautiful piece of the city.
I love running along the Mississippi because most of the people that are sharing the path with you are out doing the same thing. There are far fewer baby strollers and clumps of people meandering than on Lake Calhoun or some place like that. I'm really looking forward to next Sunday.
Overall I'm feeling strong and good about the amount of training I am doing. Some days are harder than others, and some days I get down on myself for not doing enough. My fear, as it replays in my mind, is that I won't be able to finish this triathlon. I have four months of training left, and I am taking it very seriously. The support that I'm getting from family and friends is so priceless. Every time someone tells me that I'm doing a good job, or that they are impressed with what I'm doing, makes me feel amazing. Its the kind of thing that you can never hear enough. So thanks to all of those amazing people that believe in me.
Mar 20, 2009
Before and After
Part of my workout tonight included putting new peddles on my bike. It took just about all of my energy. The left peddle wasn't a problem - the right however, kicked my ass like a Keeler. Yes I remembered that the left peddle comes off clockwise and the right comes of counterclockwise. But look isn't it a handsome peddle?
Moons over my hammie!
No, I'm not talking about breakfast at Denny's, although a big stack of pancakes sounds glorious. I'm talking about the number that was done on my hamstrings last night, as my ass AND my abs. What a great workout. Spin class was great of course. We had our usual kick-ass instructor who beat us to hell and then slapped us around some more. Walking is always tough after her class - which is a good thing. Then it was on to ab work with Molly. I swear she makes up stuff just to see if I'll do it. What the f^*%&^$!@ is a windmill? Well, we did that along with a few other ab exercises that made me call her a bitch out loud. And I meant it.
Mar 19, 2009
Some people just have to swim alone.
Last night's swim was awesome. It felt so good. I can't even believe how much better I feel every time we swim. I'm feeling less and less self conscious in the water as I realize that other swimmers really don't pay attention to you. Except for the one guy who was having a temper tantrum at the end of pool. We swim after work, which is a pretty busy time. Most people have to share a lane with at least one other person, sometimes two. There was this one guy standing in front of our lane for at least twenty minutes. Arms crossed over his chest, he was so annoyed that there wasn't a swim lane that was empty. Occasionally he would pace back and forth eye-balling other swim lanes and then with a big huff would sit down on a bench, arms still crossed. He did finally get into a lane that had one other person, but promptly got out and limped his way to the dressing room. He was so slick in his spandex swim shorts clinging tight to his body, so serious with the dark goggles and black swim cap, but I think that his penis was just too small for the pool and he had to get out. Poor guy.
Mar 18, 2009
Tuesday Night Recap

There are so many reasons that working out with Molly keeps me motivated. One simple reason is that if I'm tired and pissy, she lets me bitch and moan and get angry - ultimately getting a better workout out of me. Now I don't know if that is a recommended approach, but she knows that it works for me. We've decided to take Tuesday nights out of the gym and onto the road. The weather is nice enough to start riding outside. We love our Thursday night spin instructor too much to give up that night - but Tuesdays for sure. Last nights class was a bit frustrating. I'd like to think that we're in such great shape that we've outgrown the class, but the fact is - the instructor seems to be there more for her own benefit than for teaching the class. No good. Move on.
I hope everyone had a happy and safe St. Patrick's Day!
Mar 17, 2009

I'm grateful every day that I have someone teaching me how to swim, or rather how to swim better. I have always loved the water. I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't have access to a lake or an ocean. Living in Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes certainly helps. As a child I spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours swimming in Cayuga Lake, one of New York State's greatest treasures. I've been swimming in some of the greatest bodies of water on the planet, including a few of the great lakes, the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, the Japan Sea, and the gorgeous St. Croix River to name a few. What I find interesting now is that I'm taking my first "lessons" and that I'm swimming in a pool. I'm getting used to having walls around me, goggles on my face and being told how and when to breath. All of which seems like an unnatural way to swim, but of course its far more efficient than the way I was doing it. Every day I get a little better, and every day I enjoy it more and more. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's swim. But I'm really looking forward to swimming outside - soon.
Mar 16, 2009
Mar 13, 2009
Thank Yous
Its easy to forget to thank all of the people in your life that may help you out in little ways. Last nights spin class was awesome. I don't know the instructor's name (when I find out I'll tell you), but she was awesome. We've had her before. Her energy is amazing, but not annoying, she pushes EVERYONE in the room and kicks your ass. I thanked her after class and she was so surprised. She said that she was thinking about retiring from teaching the class and that I made her day. Are you kidding me?! Everyone in that class was sweating their balls off and should be thanking her - if they could catch their breath. Just remember to thank the amazing people in your life, chances are they don't hear it enough.
Got two more donations this morning! I wanted to give a shout out to Jeff Anderson who successfully used the interwebs to donate - thank you so much my dear! I expect to see you and Lisa O. at the finish line with a cocktail for me. And to my Todd & Elisa, what a wonderful surprise to find that in the mail. You made my morning. The fundraising seems to be just as tough as the training, but I'm working hard, talking to people. I'm confident that I'll get my goal - every little bit counts.
Mar 12, 2009
Wednesday Madness
Last night was a good swim. Molly and I are both incredibly grateful that we have such a great coach. Pete does a great job, although I think he's going to start getting mean. He hasn't started calling me Halstead yet, when he does, I know I'm in trouble. My swimming is getting stronger and strong, but holy crap. I'm beginning to understand why this is the shortest part of the triathlon. I'm more tired after swimming than I am any other kind of training. Because there's no impact and you not wiping sweat off your forehead, you don't realize how much energy you burning through. Using every single muscle in your body, muscles that I don't think have names, really kicks your ass. Or at least kicks my ass. I am slowly growing into the Incredible Hulk.
Mar 11, 2009
No Spin For You!
Going to a spin class turned out to be quite a challenge last night. So I ran. I won't bore anyone with the details, I'll just say that I wasn't meant to sit on a bike last night.
Rock on!
Mar 10, 2009
123 Days to Race Day!
Straight from the Life Time Fitness Triathlon Website:
Swim (1.5k)
- The swim starts and finishes at Lake Nokomis Beach on the northwest side of the lake.
- Two right-hand turns, keeping buoys to your right.
Bike (40k)
- Mount bike at the southwest end of the T-area and head Southwest on Nokomis Parkway going counterclockwise around the lake.
- Take a right onto East 50th Street and an immediate left on Woodlawn Boulevard.
- Turn right on Minnehaha Parkway and follow the parkway East on West River Parkway to Minnehaha Park. Use caution at the railroad crossing approaching Minnehaha Park.
- Continue on West River Parkway to the Franklin Ave. ramp. Use caution when turning onto ramp as it is a sharp left turn.
- Turn right onto Franklin Ave. and stay in the right lanes.
- Cross over Franklin Ave. and turn right onto East River Parkway and head south.
- Go under the Ford Bridge and turn left and left again, crossing the Mississippi River on the left side of Ford Parkway to 46th Ave. S.
- Turn left onto 46th Ave. South and a cautious right turn onto West Minnehaha Parkway. Use caution on 46th Ave. as the road is rough and on West Minnehaha you will turn onto 2-way bike traffic.
- Continue on West Minnehaha along Minnehaha Parkway. As you approach Cedar Avenue, stay on the right hand side of the road and cross Cedar.
- At Stevens (just past the I-35W bridge overpass) take a quick right and quick left back onto Minnehaha Parkway. (SLOW DOWN - it's two very tight sharp turns.)
- Cross West 50th Street and turn right at Lake Harriet Parkway. (SLOW DOWN here as there are athletes on their return and turning at the same intersection.)
- Go counterclockwise around Lake Harriet. Use caution in the sharp curves at the north end of the lake.
- Complete the loop around Lake Harriet and turn right onto Minnehaha Parkway. (SLOW DOWN here; there are athletes on their way out and turning at the same intersection.)
- Follow Minnehaha Parkway back to Cedar Avenue and turn right. (Caution here - short course triathletes are coming from the opposite direction and turning South onto Cedar Avenue as well.)
- At Lake Nokomis Parkway turn left towards the transition area (Caution - this is nearly a 180-degree turn) staying on the left side of the road.
- Dismount your bike at the north-end entrance of the T-area. Do not ride bike in T-area or you will be disqualified.
Run (10k)
- Exit T-area at the south end, while running through the chute and onto the running path. Follow the designated race course on the running path, counter-clockwise around Lake Nokomis.
- Follow directional signs towards Cedar Avenue and cross, continue around the southwest side of the lake.
- Turn left onto Cedar Avenue. Take a 180° turn around the cone and continue down Cedar Avenue and turn left onto the path.
- At the northwest corner of the lake, keep left for the second lap. A timing device will check each racer to ensure they take a second lap.
- On your second lap, when at the northwest corner of the lake, keep right towards and on to the road to the finish line.
- Have your race number displayed at all times on the front of your body during the run. Volunteers will be on the course to guide you.
This is not rocket surgery people.
I have managed to gain nearly a pound a week since I began this insane venture. A pound a week on someone with my frame is a lot of weight. Clearly I won't continue to gain a pound a week or else I will be a very large triathlete on race day, but give me a break! I was hoping to lose a little weight. Yes, yes, I realize that muscle weighs more than fat, bla bla bla. However when my jeans are no longer fitting because I am turning into the Incredible Hulk, we have a problem. At the moment I have no solution. My guess (and Molly's) is that my body is figuring out what the F&*$^ to do with all of this exersice and increased calorie intake. I'll keep everyone posted. If I'm up another 7 lbs by this time next week heads are going to roll.
As for working out. Last night's run was interesting. At any gym in America, I'm guessing, 5pm is packed full of people that want to start the week off right. There are about ten tredmills at the gym, all of which had full sign up sheets, but no one was running, or there were people on tredmills that they weren't signed up for. This is very aggrevating to me. The process is quite simple: 1. Put your initials in the timeslot for which you'd like to use the tredmill. 2. Use the tredmill during that time slot. 3. If you change your mind, cross off your initials. Sounds simple doesn't it? Well, apparently its not. So I ran around the track.
There are three kinds of people that use the track. 1. Crazy-ass speedsters that would fall off a tredmill. 2. People like me that couldn't get on a tredmill and 3. People that walk in pairs and don't realize that there are other people using the track. Interestingly enough I wonder if there is a paralell to the way these people drive. Another time perhaps. There was on one occastion a person pushing a stroller on the track. Yes, that's right, a fother mucking stroller.
After my run last night I swam. Swimming and breathing is still quite a challenge for me, but I'm getting it. I am continuously told to stop thinking so much. Yeah, ok. Have you met me?
Mar 9, 2009
And a New Week Begins
Last week was certainly interesting. While I worked out a ton I don't feel like I accomplished much, at least not until the end. Friday's run was awesome, although it was a short run because I was going to swim after. When I got down to the pool I realized that I hadn't checked the swim schedule and the pool was filled with kids for their swim lessons. I backed away slowly as to not be seen and went home. Sunday was great. Molly and and I our circuit of weights for arms and then a kick ass run. I'm sore today. Sore is good. I think I have to get new running shoes though. Depending on who you ask you can only get a few hundred miles out of a pair of running shoes... so I'm definitely due for a new pair, but geez, I would like to go a few weeks without having to buy any gear.
Mar 6, 2009
Friday (sigh)
This last week has been a tough one. I'm tired, frustrated, feeling bloated, started to get sick, and am generally cranky. I didn't swim in Wednesday, instead I left work at 11am went home and slept until 5pm. A few people at work have gotten sick and I wanted to do everything I could to avoid it. The thought of being out of commission for even a couple of days just isn't an option. I've been working so hard, I don't want to set myself back. There is a fine line between pushing through the pain and really listening to your body. On Wednesday I had to listen to my body and today I am better for it.
Last night's spin class rocked. This was a new instructor for us and she scared the crap out of me. Spin classes need someone that is more like a drill sergeant than a therapist. She kicked our asses and I think I might have called her a bitch under my breath once of twice, which only means its working.
I won't be running/swimming tonight, instead I am going to see Wynton Marsalis play at Orchestra Hall. I'm going to put on a dress, slap some lipstick on and NOT be someone in training tonight. I'll make up for it tomorrow.
I also wanted to thank everyone that reads my blog. Some of you leave comments, some send me emails - I love hearing from everyone. So keep the comments coming!
Mar 5, 2009
Go Team Allen!

On January 26th I received this email from my cousin Maggie. It was one day after I signed up for the TNT Triathlon.
I could not be more proud of them - my family kicks ass! They surpassed their fundraising goal and are walking this coming Saturday.
This was the email that I got from Maggie:
Hi Friends & Family,
I am writing to you today because as most of you know Jay was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins lymphoma three years ago. Thanks to the advances in medical research, his chances for recovery are better than ever. Sadly however, he is one of 500,000 currently living with this disease. Lymphoma is the second fastest rising cancer in the United States today and the third most common form of childhood cancer. I am writing to ask for your help in the fight against this cancer of the lymphatic system. Jay has been fortunate enough to have gone three years with no need for any treatments, but unfortunate enough to have to live with lymphoma. And we as a family have come to realize that our involvement in Lymphoma Research can do no harm but only help Jay and others with fighting this disease. It has truly been a roller coaster for Jay and we have decided to have a more active role in the fight against Lymphoma.
On Saturday, March 7, 2009, we will be walking in the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s Tucson Lymphomathon 5K Walk. Our goal is to raise $1000.00 for the Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF), a nationwide, non-profit organization dedicated to funding research and providing support and education for those whose lives have been touched by Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. LRF’s Scientific Advisory Board consists of the world's leading lymphoma researchers, oncologists and hematologists, and is unrelentingly committed to finding a cure.
It is really difficult to ask for your contribution during these hard economic times, however, its much harder to not ask for help in fighting for Jay!!
We, together, can make a difference. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Your Friend,
I am writing to you today because as most of you know Jay was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins lymphoma three years ago. Thanks to the advances in medical research, his chances for recovery are better than ever. Sadly however, he is one of 500,000 currently living with this disease. Lymphoma is the second fastest rising cancer in the United States today and the third most common form of childhood cancer. I am writing to ask for your help in the fight against this cancer of the lymphatic system. Jay has been fortunate enough to have gone three years with no need for any treatments, but unfortunate enough to have to live with lymphoma. And we as a family have come to realize that our involvement in Lymphoma Research can do no harm but only help Jay and others with fighting this disease. It has truly been a roller coaster for Jay and we have decided to have a more active role in the fight against Lymphoma.
On Saturday, March 7, 2009, we will be walking in the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s Tucson Lymphomathon 5K Walk. Our goal is to raise $1000.00 for the Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF), a nationwide, non-profit organization dedicated to funding research and providing support and education for those whose lives have been touched by Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. LRF’s Scientific Advisory Board consists of the world's leading lymphoma researchers, oncologists and hematologists, and is unrelentingly committed to finding a cure.
It is really difficult to ask for your contribution during these hard economic times, however, its much harder to not ask for help in fighting for Jay!!
We, together, can make a difference. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Your Friend,
Mar 4, 2009
Heartland AIDSRide 2001
500+ Miles from St. Paul to Chicago.
This was a hundred years ago. Always a good story to tell, about the girl who signed up to ride her bike from St. Paul, MN to Chicago, IL - but had no bike. That's Molly. I call her many names, such as b*****, F#*$%&*, jack ass, to name a few. This girl manages to talk me into stuff that I have no business doing. We had no business getting on our bikes to do this AIDSRide. We were in terrible shape, I was still smoking (yes I know, I know), and we had to ride more than 500 miles in six days. Who does that? Well, we did, for another charity, damn charities!
Its hard to believe that its been nearly eight years since that day. Our lives have taken some very unexpected turns, including Molly's diagnosis with breast cancer. We never claimed to be athletes, but we always did our best. Going into this triathlon we are different people, our friendship is stronger, our bodies are definitely stronger, and the determination to bust our asses is undeniable.
Of all the adventures that girl and I have been on together, I'm really looking forward to this one.
Mar 3, 2009
Mar 2, 2009
Monday Morning
How many weeks have I been going at this? Not very many, but it feels like a million. I should be less sore at this point, but it really all depends on the workout. Yesterday afternoon was good, at least the running portion of it, but then (oye) we did legs, then abs. My legs are barking today.
I will say that who ever put mirrors in front of treadmills should be shot. I picked the one treadmill in the whole gym that had a mirror in front of it, so for 40 minutes had to look at myself, or awkwardly look up at the TV while running. That sucks. Who wants to stare at themselves while working out? I understand the need to lo0k in the mirror for the purposes of form, but not for running, no mirror needed. I will not be doing that again.
I really want to do well in this triathlon and while I still have four months of training, I'm nervous... this is a big race.
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